new e-guide is out!

Are you packing for a new destination called home soon?
Then here is YOUR new tool:
The Me and My Big Move e-guide.
With this e-guide (20 pages) you walk the 7 key steps that guide your kids through the moving process and make it fun! All by drawing and playing.
Have a look here:
WHY? to involve your kids and empower them!
The challenges of a Big Move
Planning a Big Move can be exciting, but also an emotional rollercoaster. Especially when you are planning to relocate with your children. You want them to settle in quickly and live a fulfilling life. But you may worry about how the children will cope with such a life-changing event. And when you are busy making all of the preparations, it is a challenge to involve them in the process.
An upfront approach
Experts state that it is fundamental to make children feel part of their big move. They recommend an upfront approach, starting months before the departure.That’s great in theory, but how do you involve and mentally prepare your kids for a big move, without being too heavy about the topic?
With the help of experts, teachers, and children, we have created ACTIVITIES, WORKSHEETS and a WORKBOOK to help you exactly with that!

Me and My Big Move helps your child:
Feel more in control,
Build resilience,
Cope with change in a fun way.
And it helps you as a parent:
Involve your child in the process,
Talk to your child and stay connected,
Make settling in easier and enjoyable.

created for kids and parents
"And all of that by doing it in a fun and interactive way.
This workbook is designed to give your family a head start on your adventure!"
Enjoy the ride!
Discover your new place
Prepare your move
Our top 10 Tips list to do, create, and expLore to settle in with fun!
And a great and FREE tool to Discover your new place.
Subscribe here and receive all these tips and tools every month.

Me and My Big Move covers every phase of relocating, from preparing yourself before you leave, to exploring your new place and eventually journaling your trips and visits after you are settled in. While settling in children can experience the most difficulties and changes of emotions. Every child reacts differently to change, but the sudden absence of close friends and family members, combined with a new environment and new experiences every day can be disorienting.
By drawing, reading, talking and writing in this workbook your child will be able to regulate their emotions, create an open mind-set for new experiences and have fun making new friends.
It all started when Marloes (40, mom of 2) experienced the impact of a life changing event on her child. “It was when my daughter was having a hard time going to a new school and I struggled with talking to her about it. It was then that I discovered the power of drawing and playing together to help her regulate her emotions and ultimately feel more in control."
Moving to Taiwan
So when we, as a family, decided to move from the Netherlands to Taiwan I wanted to prepare my children for this event. I searched for books about moving, collected all the good ideas that other families gave to me and then started to create templates which where applicable at that stage of the move.
Creating the workbook
I noticed again that the templates helped the conversation with my children and were a fun way for them to “work on the move” as well. It is like journaling, but then for young children in a more visual way.” I shared the idea of a special big move workbook with Lonneke (38, Dutch mom moved to Seattle) and we started creating and testing it with our friends). We were overwhelmed with interest from parents so we decided to give every child and parent the opportunity to stay connected to their child through life changing events and to make a memorable workbook together.
Together with experts
We loved our journey of creating this amazing workbook together with teachers, psychologists and experienced moms. We are passionate about providing people with simple techniques and tools to help children to build resilience and settle smootly into their new environment. As visual experts we know that drawing makes the conversation with children much more effective than only talking. And that journaling helps to unwind and calm the mind. We hope this book can make a huge difference for your child as it did for us!
HOw we started to explore!
Events and activities

newsletter | discover your new place
This month we share our top tips to create a smooth moving experience and a powerful tool to discover your new place.
Subscribe here

4 december | Taiwan Reading festival
At 4 december we will attend the Taiwan reading festival. More information? send us an email!

30 march | new free workbook
We have a new tool to empower kids learning a new language: the Me and My New Language Workbook!
Have a look Here!

What an amazing journey! Thank you so much. We have reached our goal on kickstarter by 128%!!

explore your hood with Me and My Neighborhood Bingo | mAY 2020
This month we post "explore and discover" games. This bingo will keep you entertainted outside. "Me and My Neighborhood Bingo". More cards available when you subscribe here.

Homeschooling? in lockdown? get your me and MY "STAY AT HOME" work BOOK | April 2020
Weekly we post a free and fun "stay at home" activity. This weeks activity: Me and My Stay at Home mini workbook. A guide to keep the kids busy during this homeschooling period.